Friday, February 27, 2009

OH NO! GUM....

Ok so I woke up this morn to find gum in Amber’s hair. I didn't freak out like I though I would... probably because I had just woken up and my brain hadn’t kicked on yet! So, I have never had to deal with this sort of thing before. As a little girl I never got gum in my hair. At least not that I remember. So I just started going about my morning (still not quite awake and not ready to deal with the gum in Amber’s hair). Not long after that Billy wakes up and I very matter of factly state Amber has gum in her hair. He goes right over to her, assesses the damage and goes and gets peanut butter. Now the gum wasn’t in the bottom of her hair. It was wadded up right in her scalp. I didn't really think peanut butter would work and we would have to cut it out. I was wrong, PEANUT BUTTER WORKED EASY AND FAST. I couldn't believe it. So can anybody tell me why Billy knows all the tricks I should know as the wife and mother??? I swear I married the perfect man. I'm so thankful he didn't have to work this morning because I probably would have spent and hour trying to do what he did in 5 mins. So next time any of you moms find gum in your little girls perfect locks, bust out with some peanut butter ;)Oh and another bonus, now Amber smells so yummy I want to take a big bite of her!


Tinsley said...

oh that is so funny! Way to go Billy. I remember getting gum in my hair and having to use the PB trick. It does work! Talk to you soon.

Morris Mama said...

Cute story. I didn't know you had a blog! Now I get to spy on you!

Abram and Ashley said...

I always do very short videos so it doesn't take so long uploading. When doing a new post make sure you are adding a video not a image.
Cute blog. Next time Amalee gets gum in her hair I will try the pb instead of cutting. Her hair still isn't all the same length:(

Ern and Sue said...

Learned it in Scouts!!! Good boy, he was listening.. lol

Ortiz Family said...

Man if I would have known that when Abby put gum in her hair maybe it wouldnt have gotten cut!