Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My daughter the sponge

I have a rule that each day Amber goes out side to play. During the summer months this is a little more difficult to keep up with. I usually like to get up and take her down to the park at like 6am. But, when I'm to tired or it just doesn't happen we play in our back yard. So anyways, that's what we did today. We were having a good time playing with bubbles and the football. I had Brigham out there in his bouncer chair. He was sliding down a little bit so I turned my back from Amber to sit him back up. In those few seconds Amber decided to put her face in Bridget's face (our cat). Not a good idea Amber... Bridget got spooked and clawed her face. My poor baby girl. She screamed and cried "Bridget got me Mommy!" I swooped Amber up to comfort her and I was a little upset with Bridget. Now I know, I know, Bridget was doing what was natural for her. But when your child has claw marks on her beautiful face and is crying probably from fear and pain you can't help but feel a little upset. So, without thinking I said loudly... "Stupid Bridget!" And without missing a beat Amber started saying "stupid Bridget" over and over again. I brought the kids back inside and cleaned Amber up. The whole time she is saying stupid Bridget, stupid Bridget. I laughed because it was funny hearing her sweet little voice say something so ugly. I then told her I was sorry for saying those mean words and that she shouldn't say them either. She seems to have understood because she repeated we don't say ugly words and hasn't said stupid Bridget since. Instead she is just saying "My scratch, Bridget." Or in other words here are my scratches from Bridget. It is so true that our children are listening and watching our actions all the time. We really have to think about what we are subjecting them to.

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