I am proud to be an American. I love my country and am thankful for my freedoms. Both my grandfathers served in the armed forces. And my dad always taught me to be proud of our Country. I am thankful for my knowledge of the Gospel and knowing that Heavenly Father had a direct hand in helping our Founding Fathers set up our government and laws. Reflecting on what today means... I thought of times in my life when I have felt the power of my patriotism. One time that really sticks in my mind was on a vacation. Billy, Debbie, Don, my Mom, and I all went to New York in May of 2007. We went to ground Zero and the fire Station across the street. We saw the memorials; on top of the Empire State building we saw the Twin Tower Memorial lights. We saw the damage and we also saw the rebuilding in that area. There is a very interesting story my Father in Law told me was of the church directly across from the Twin towers. As we all know MANY buildings were damaged and destroyed on that day, not just the Twin Towers. Well there is a church DIRECTLLY across the street that didn't get any damage... WOW!! Bet you can't guess why... Well President Washington prayed in that church and prayed for our Country's protection. Coincident... probably not. When the chaos of 9/11 was happening fire fighters, police officers, volinteers went to that church for refuge and to pray. What a blessing.
On that same trip I felt the spirit and deep love for my Country when we were leaving New York for the start of our Cruise. The Ship played very loud one of my absolute favorite songs. It is the song that reminds me of my Papa. We played this song at his funeral... I am proud to be and American. As the song played we passed by the Statue of Liberty. I was deeply touched by the spirit and even thinking of it now brings tears to my eyes. I am truly Proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free. And I won’t forget the men who died and gave that right to me... There is no doubt I love this land. GOD BLESS THE USA!!!
1 comment:
Really nice post, Trina. It makes me sad that people are starting to treat this memory as...just another day. I didn't know the history bit of President Washington in the church- very inspirational. Our parents sure DID do something right; raising us to outwardly be so proud of our country and understanding its a privelidge to be a US citizen.
Read my moms comment on my post- (I need to tell her to see this because I realized something as I read yours... not only did our parents teach us well but a big thanks to Pappa and Grammie for teaching them!! Thats where it started and it will be so neat to see them someday again,.. those two united lovebirds have just stepped out and 'gone fishin' for now (wink wink)
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