Well, first I would just like to ask... wasn't conference WONDERFUL?? Billy and I totally enjoyed the spirit. We are so blessed to have such spiritual giants lead our Church. The talk that had the biggest impact on me was David Bednar's about prayer and being thankful. I am so thankful for all God has given me. I know I don't show that gratitude enough. So the challenge to say prayers every so often and only thank Heavenly Father is one I am taking on. And lets not forget to give credit where credit is due. Thank you Debbie for giving that exact challenge at Sunday dinner the week before Conference. You are so inspired by the Lord of what our family should be doing. If anyone missed the talk please listen to it at lds.org.
Next and just as wonderful is that Amber is potty trained!! Yes, it is true. After a lot of hard work and cleaning up after messes.... HAHA, not even close. She took to it so naturally I hardly had to do anything at all. I started with her on Monday and by today she is doing it all without even being asked or reminded. I shouldn't be surprised, every thing that I hear other parents say is a hard adjustment for children, Amber has taken to like it's nothing. I had no problems taking away the bottle or pacifier. I had no issues transferring her from her crib to a bed. She is making my life so easy as a mom.
Brigham is 4 months and an absolute joy. He got rice cereal two days ago. He actually liked it, didn't make any weird faces or anything. He also stayed relatively clean compared to how Amber was the first time she got rice cereal. Even though he did well, I'm not going to give it to him again for about another month. I want him to sit up better before I start giving him it all the time.
The last thing I wanted to talk about was our family garden. We started our garden in September and just finished planting last Saturday. This season we have broccoli, sugar snap peas, carrots, lettuce, and spinach. The best part of the garden is seeing Amber 'working' with daddy in the garden. I will keep everyone posted on how our crops turn out. And those of you who live here in Arizona, we will share ;)